Choosing a Membership
It’s never been easier to develop for Apple platforms. To get started with app development for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS, simply download Xcode from the Mac App Store. If you’re ready to distribute apps to customers, the Apple Developer Program provides everything you need to build apps with advanced capabilities and make them available worldwide. You can also distribute custom apps to specific businesses or proprietary apps within your organization.
Who should enroll
You can learn how to develop apps for Apple platforms for free without enrolling. With just an Apple ID, you can access Xcode, software downloads, documentation, sample code, forums, and Feedback Assistant, as well as test your apps on devices. If you don’t already have an Apple ID, you can create one now. To distribute apps, join the Apple Developer Program.
About the Apple Developer Program
If you’re interested in creating apps for distribution on the App Store, Apple Business Manager, or Apple School Manager, join the Apple Developer Program.* Membership includes access to beta OS releases, advanced app capabilities, and tools needed to develop, test, and distribute apps and Safari Extensions. You must be 18 years or older to join. Individuals or sole proprietors/single-person businesses. Apps are listed under the developer’s personal name. Organizations. Apps are listed under the organization’s legal entity name. Companies and educational institutions must provide a D-U-N-S Number (available for free) registered to their legal entity during the enrollment process.
Enrollment is 99 USD (or in local currency where available) per membership year. Your nonprofit, educational institution, or government entity may be eligible for a fee waiver. Find out what’s included | Learn about enrollment
Benefits and resources
Other programs
App Store Small Business Program
This program features a reduced commission rate of 15% on paid apps and in-app purchases, helping you to invest more resources into your business so you can continue building great apps. Learn about the program
Apple Developer Enterprise Program
Organizations with specific use cases that require private distribution directly to employees through a secure internal system or a Mobile Device Management solution may be eligible for this program. Learn about eligibility requirements
Apple Video Partner Program
This program is designed for apps that deliver premium subscription video entertainment services on the Apple TV app. Participating apps are required to integrate with a number of Apple technologies, such as Universal Search, Siri, AirPlay, and single sign-on or zero sign-on, to ensure a seamless experience for users. Learn about the program
iOS Developer University Program
This is a free developer program for higher education institutions looking to introduce iOS development into their curriculum. With Xcode, any teacher and student can get access to the tools and resources needed to develop and install apps on Apple devices. Learn about the program
MFi Program
If you plan to develop or manufacture accessories that use MFi technologies, such as the Find My network or HomeKit, the MFi Program provides the licenses and resources you need. Learn about licensing MFi technologies
News Partner Program
This program is designed for subscription news publications that provide their content to Apple News in Apple News Format. Publishers that work with Apple News may qualify for a commission rate of 15% on qualifying in-app purchase subscriptions from day one. Learn about the program
Security Research Device Program
Help improve the security of iOS devices by testing for vulnerabilities on a special Security Research Device. Learn about applying for a Security Research Device
[FAQ] Для чего нужна подписка Apple Developer Program?
Если вы хотите увидеть на нашем сайте ответы на интересующие вас вопросы обо всём, что связано с техникой, программами и сервисами Apple, iOS или Mac OS X, iTunes Store или App Store, задавайте их через форму обратной связи. Ответы на самые интересные из них будут появляться в материалах данной рубрики. К нам поступил следующий вопрос:
Здравствуйте! Я начинающий iOS разработчик, пробую изучать Swift) К вам вопрос есть насчет платной подписки Apple для разработчиков. Раньше она была нужна, чтобы тестировать программы на настоящих устройствах. Сейчас можно ставить софт на iPhone, подписывая его собственными сертификатами. Я правильно понимаю, что денег платить становится надо только когда приходит пора выкладывать готовый софт в App Store?
Если не вдаваться в детали, то да, вы абсолютно правы. С 2015 года можно свободно тестировать ПО для iOS и в симуляторах Xcode, и на реальных устройствах. Вы можете создать для себя самоподписанный сертификат и заставить iOS доверять ему, разрешая запуск любого софта в обход App Store.
Поэтому преимущества платной подписки Apple Developer Program сейчас сводятся к следующему:
- ранний доступ к бета-версиям (впрочем, бесплатные публичные бета-тестеры iOS и OS X всё чаще получают те же самые сборки параллельно с зарегистрированными разработчиками)
- доступ к закрытым форумам разработчиков (впрочем, есть stackoverflow =)
- возможность использовать платформу TestFlight (через неё можно привлечь до 2000 тестеров, а в случае отсутствия подписки это количество ограничено 100 iPhone, 100 iPad, 100 Apple TV и 100 Apple Watch)
- возможность публиковать ваши приложения в App Store
Для большинства разработчиков основным поводом к покупке Apple Developer Program за 99 долларов в год, вероятно, будет только четвёртый пункт.
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