Что за программа mylanviewer
MyLanViewer Network/IP Scanner is a powerful IP address scanner for local area network (LAN). This application will help you find all IP addresses, MAC addresses and shared folders of computers on your wired or wireless (Wi-Fi) network. The program scans network and displays your network computers in an easy to read, buddy-list style window that provides the computer name, IP address, MAC address, NIC vendor, OS version, logged users, shared folders and other technical details for each computer. It is able to monitor your external IP address and send email notifications when it changes. MyLanViewer Network/IP Scanner can also turn on and off remote computers, view and control your shared folders, terminate user sessions, show netstat information, detect rogue DHCP servers and other network tools. The software can monitor all devices (even hidden) on your subnet, and send alerts when the new devices will be found (for example, to know who is connected to your WiFi router or wireless network). The program easy to install and use, and has a user-friendly and beautiful interface.
Remote Computer Manager is a network utility for remote computer management. The program allow network administrators to centrally manage network PCs and make: remote desktop control, remote shutdown, run (execute) commands, launch applications and processes, Wake-on-LAN over IPv4, Wake on LAN over IPv6, lock workstation, log on, log off, sleep, hibernate, wake up, reboot, power off, lock and unlock input devices, registry merge, file copy, installation of MSI packages, clock (time) synchronization and other remote operations for Windows and Linux PCs. Using Remote Computer Manager you can perform a remote shutdown, power on (turn on), power off (turn off) and restart (reset) the remote computer with Intel AMT (Active Management Technology) and AMD DASH (Desktop and Mobile Architecture for System Hardware). The program can also get the list of remote processes and services, remote netstat, remote screenshot, remote registry, remote event log and other details for each PC. Using the application you can make remote operations on one or multiple network computers with one click. Remote operations can be executed automatically according with defined schedule, so you can organize fully automatic computer management for your company. The program supports IPv4 and IPv6 protocol.
Wake-On-LAN Proxy Server is a network tool that helps network administrators to organize the reception and transmission of magic packets (wakeup signals, which are sent through programs that support the Wake-on-LAN technology) on the network. The program is designed to protect the network from unwanted magic packets, to help the delivery of broadcast traffic between subnets and to reduce the load on the network infrastructure between subnets. This utility works as a UDP proxy server for magic packets, which can filter and modify incoming magic packets and forward them to other network addresses. Wake-On-LAN Proxy Server can be run as a service or as a startup process. The program supports IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Ping Manager is a set of network tools, based on ICMP requests, which includes: regular ping, scan IP address range, trace route and path ping. The utility can store up to 1000 pages and manage them simultaneously. Each page has a unique setting for both manual and automatic operation. The obtained results of the program can be saved in txt or csv file in a manual or automatic mode.
Shortcuts To Tray is a tool for quick access to your favorite links and shortcuts from the system tray. The program keeps your favorite links and shortcuts on files, folders, applications, Internet and network resources, command lines, system resources and more. It allows you to run applications and command lines as administrator. The program does not require installation and can be used on portable devices.
Socks Proxy Scanner is an application that helps you find IP addresses of SOCKS proxy servers on network. Socks scanner can scan network up to 10,000 IP addresses per second. It’s really fast socks scanner that uses SYN method of scanning. This program will help you find a socks list and save it to text file.
Http Proxy Scanner is an application that helps you find IP addresses of HTTP proxy servers on network. Proxy scanner can scan network up to 10,000 IP addresses per second. It’s very fast proxy scanner that uses SYN method of scanning. This program will help you find a proxy list and save it to text file.
RedEyes is a powerful host and network monitor designed for testing performance and availability of hosts connected to the LAN or Internet (workstations, servers, routers, etc) with an IP address, as well as services running on these devices that work with TCP and alert administrators in case of failure of these devices or services. Efficiency of the device is verified using the protocols TCP, UDP, HTTP and ICMP. Efficiency of services performed by the implementation of the connection attempt to TCP port on which to run services (web server, mail server, proxy-server, domain controller, etc).
TCP/IP Port Scanner is an application that helps you find TCP/IP open ports on network. Port scanner uses SYN method of scanning and can scan IP network up to 10,000 tcp/ip ports per second. The program can save a list of open ports into a text file.
Network/IP Scanner Shared Resources is an application that helps you find shared folders/resources on network. The program checks the computers only with open NBT ports, that allows you quickly scan large IP-ranges. It’s very fast network scanner to search for SMB shared resources.
Что за программа mylanviewer
MyLanViewer Network/IP Scanner is a powerful IP address scanner for local area network (LAN). This application will help you find all IP addresses, MAC addresses and shared folders of computers on your wired or wireless (Wi-Fi) network. The program scans network and displays your network computers in an easy to read, buddy-list style window that provides the computer name, IP address, MAC address, NIC vendor, OS version, logged users, shared folders and other technical details for each computer. It is able to monitor your external IP address and send email notifications when it changes. MyLanViewer Network/IP Scanner can also turn on and off remote computers, view and control your shared folders, terminate user sessions, show netstat information , detect rogue DHCP servers and other network tools. The software can monitor all devices (even hidden) on your subnet, and send alerts when the new devices will be found (for example, to know who is connected to your WiFi router or wireless network). The program easy to install and use, and has a user-friendly and beautiful interface.
(Version: 6.0.5, Size: 4,38 MB)
System requirements:
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022. 32-bit or 64-bit. Net Framework is not required.
To update a previous version of the program just download the current version and install it on top of the previous version (there is no need to uninstall the previous version, just close the program at the time of installation).
MyLanViewer 6.0.5 Enterprise + Rus Portable + Repack
С этой простой в использовании программой, вы сможете проводить полное сканирование и последующий мониторинг компьютеров в заданной сети, дополнительно можно будет производить поиск файлов, которые открыты для общего доступа. Я думаю из скриншотов наглядно видно, что разобраться с возможностями не составит труда, все предельно просто, рекомендую скачать MyLanViewer с нашего проекта.
Найденные компьютеры будут отображаться в понятном для всех списке, вы сможете узнать не только имя самого компьютера, но также его IP адрес, MAC адрес конечно же, будет возможность просматривать общие ресурсы и прочие другие детали компьютера. Используя MyLanViewer возможно будет также следить за компьютерами в сети, то есть если они станут недоступны вам сразу об этом сообщат, еще вы сможете вести управление вашими общими ресурсами, давать к ним доступ, а может наоборот блокировать и так далее. MyLanViewer довольно хорошо сканирует сети, есть автоматический режим работы, для этого вам надо просто задать время, сам поиск компьютеров можно проводить по разным способам среди которых есть конечно же DNS и NetBIOS.
Программа ломается патчем, после того как вы примените его, запускаем MyLanViewer и вводим любые регистрационные данные, далее можно пользоваться возможностями разработки без ограничений по времени и функциям. Стоит отметить также, после того как вы нашли компьютеры их список можно сохранить и после использовать его в качестве стартовой точки, еще вы сможете вести мониторинг компьютеров, которые вошли к вам и качают файлы которые вы расшарили.
Лицензия: ShareWare (для активации программы используем патч, ключ вводить не требуется)
Размер: 4 MB
Скачать: MyLanViewer Enterprise 6.0.5 бесплатно + crack / 6.0.3 Repack TryRooM / 6.0.5 Repack + Portable elchupacabra
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