What is
eva is an enterprise conversational AI platform for creating and managing virtual assistants, using artificial intelligence with Generative AI capable of understanding and delivering hyper-personalized responses to users.
Able to deploy across a wide variety of digital channels: WhatsApp, Instagram, call center, web, mobile, chatbots, teams and more. It significantly reduces the cost and time required to create virtual agents, so helping brands better serve their customers any time, via any channel and in any language.
Benefits eva
eva it significantly reduces the cost and time required to create virtual agents, so helping brands better serve their customers any time, via any channel and in any language.
- Improve customer experience
- Reduce Cost
- A truly scalable solution
- OmnichannelSolution
Improve customer experience
Improve customer experience serving your clients 24×7 through any channel: call center, mobile app, website, WhatsApp, smart assistants, social media, etc.
eva is designed to meet the exacting demands of businesses competing in today’s digital economy.
Reduce Cost
Reduce the operating costs of customer service by 10%. eva is designed to meet the exacting demands of businesses competing in today’s digital economy. Boost customer satisfaction by up to 30% and eliminate wait times.
A truly scalable solution
It is an enterprise solution that lets you quickly create robust virtual agents that can be deployed at scale to efficiently handle thousands of users, in multiple languages and in different areas of your business.
Omnichannel solutions
We live in an omnichannel world, so the virtual agents created by eva can maintain conversations with users across different channels, even allowing users to change channel in mid-stream.
Cognitive Contact Center
Digital Workplace
eva helps financial companies to improve their services through conversational AI, automate processes with scalability
Telecommunications users are increasingly demanding. Take advantage of eva’s capabilities to meet their expectations.
Conversational AI is gaining importance in the insurance sector, which has many points of contact with its customers.
eva is an excellent artificial intelligence solution that provides healthcare organizations with a true digital transformation
Voice cloud
eva is designed to enhance the user experience through voice interactions, enabling an enriched IVR and taking communication to another level.
Voice cloud automates calls, reduces traffic to agents, keeps dialogs open and resolves queries instantly without menus, options or keyboards, and provides the ability to ask frequent questions without direct contact with an operator.
eva can create conversational voice assistants in different languages and accents and integrates with other services to make communication much more personalized.
eva allows to generate conversational dialogues through voice for different use cases: FAQ’s, scheduling, cancellation or change of appointments, it is also possible to connect to other services to deliver personalized information.
eva Dialog Manager is where you can easily build and manage bots. eva Dialog Manager is a visual interface where every element that makes a bot is visually represented, making building and managing a bot hassle-free. Here you can create a bot from scratch in minutes, build complex conversational flows with powerful tools and manage multiple virtual agents in a simple, clean and intuitive interface, to really focus on the content. Easier bots are better bots.
eva NLP
eva NLP is Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine. It combines the powerful intent and entity recognization with the latest technologies in privacy protection. eva NLP is the best of both worlds: it is like a proprietary cognitve engine with a strong support. eva NLP has a plethora of innovative capabilities. With its entity recognization abilities, eva NLP can enhance your customers privacy with Clever Masking by changing every identifiable trace with generic information. This is one example of eva NLP ever increasing innovation.
In addition to English, Portuguese and Spanish. eva NLP now supports multiple languages: Japanese, Italian, German, Catalan, Galician, Romanian, French, Dutch, Thai
Portuguese (Brazil)
French (Canada)
FYRO Macedonian
Chinese (S)
Chinese (T)
Automated Learning
Trainings can be easier and faster with Clever Automated Learning, that allows training virtual assistants from documents.
Automated Learning responds to user queries out of intentions by reading documents, It can enrich the knowledge base of a bot and increase the performance of the long tail. It responds from any text content.
Not need to execute specific training to work with a text knowledge base. Automated learning is multi-language, currently works with Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Can identify when in the text it is not possible to identify the answer, Ability to work with large texts. Has a FAQs functionality for register pairs of frequents questions and answers. answers are brief and accurate.
What is
eva is an enterprise conversational AI platform for creating and managing virtual assistants, using artificial intelligence with Generative AI capable of understanding and delivering hyper-personalized responses to users.
Able to deploy across a wide variety of digital channels: WhatsApp, Instagram, call center, web, mobile, chatbots, teams and more. It significantly reduces the cost and time required to create virtual agents, so helping brands better serve their customers any time, via any channel and in any language.
Conversational AI for multiple industries
eva helps financial companies to improve their services through conversational AI, automate processes with scalability
Telecommunications users are increasingly demanding. Take advantage of eva’s capabilities to meet their expectations.
Conversational AI is gaining importance in the insurance sector, which has many points of contact with its customers.
eva is an excellent artificial intelligence solution that provides healthcare organizations with a true digital transformation
Consumer Products
eva focuses on employees, companies, and final customers to improve the experience.
With eva, it is possible to provide a unique experience for travelers throughout their trip, on the channel of their choice
Conversational AI Solutions
Компьютерная программа EVA — отзыв
По моему мнению, лучший русскоязычный календарь для виндоузфона 🙂
В первый же день после покупки нового телефона я задалась поисками женского календаря. Перепробовала в один несколько и остановилась на Еве. Вот что о ней пишет разработчик:
А так выглядит ее иконка среди других приложений в телефоне:
Мне эта программа показалась наиболее оптимальной:
- приятный дизайн;
- понятный и лаконичный интерфейс;
- удобное ведение и заполнение журнала;
- напоминает о таких событиях, как начало цикла, овуляция и тд;
- еще и разговаривает смешно
Конечно же, этот календарь напомнит вам о фертильных днях и ПМС, вы можете заполнить журнал самочувствия.
Но поскольку я себя всегда чувствую хорошо, независимо от дня цикла, мне эта функция по боку, равно как и фертильные дни.
Разве что в плане безопасных дней. Хотя я считаю, что такие подсчеты — весьма условны и их нельзя считать достоверными, по крайней мере тем, кто планирует беременность. Но это сугубо мое личное мнение.
Можно при желании включить или отключить голосовые сообщения.
В целом, эта программа, пожалуй, по функционалу не отличается от аналогичных. Тот же журнал, в котором отмечается- в том числе и заранее — дата предполагаемая начала следующего цикла, все дни отмечены разным цветом — месячные, овуляция, фертильное окно и тд. Это удобно.
Кроме того, очень удобно, что в отдельной закладке вынесены в табличку все-все отмеченные циклы — начало и конец — по месяцам. Например, если вы посещаете гинеколога, это намного удобнее, чем, например, листать журнал.
Плюс и то, что приложение никак не привязано к интернету — лично у меня телефон только в зоне вай-фай работает, мне этого хватает. В консультациях, как правило, вай-фая нет И это очеень здорово, что приложение работает вне зависимости от наличия интернета.
Конечно же, приложение бесплатное, что тоже плюс.
Одним словом, могу смело рекомендовать эту программу. Когда-то мне подруга рассказывала о такой штуке. И помню, как я удивилась, когда она сказала, что когда начала ею пользоваться, вообще забыла, когда у нее начинается цикл и тд — обо всем ее предупреждает программа. Я тогда вела обычный бумажный календарик, носилась с ним, как с писаной торбой и помнила наизусть, когда и что у меня началось и закончилось. Но когда я поставила себе на телефон эту программу, я сразу же поняла,о чем говорила подруга. Теперь даже муж больше в курсе моего цикла, чем я сама. Очень удобно!
- Просто необходимая вещь
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