
Lagarith что это за программа

У меня установлен «lagarith lossless codec (1.3.27)» Что это и для чего нужен? Удалить можно?

Lagarith — открытый кодек, созданный для кодирования видеоданных без потерь информации. Разработан Бэном Гринвудом (Ben Greenwood). Базируется на известном кодеке Huffyuv, примерно сравним с ним по быстродействию, превосходит по степени сжатия. Кодек хорошо сжимает видео с преобладанием статических изображений. Это достигается за счёт поддержки недействительных фреймов, то есть если предшествующий фрейм идентичен текущему, то он используется снова, а текущий отвергается.

Особенности [править | править вики-текст]
Lagarith работает в цветовых пространствах RGB24, RGB32, RGBA, YUY2 и YV12.
Последние версии поддерживают многопроцессорность.
Обеспечивается сжатие на 10-30 % лучше в сравнении с Huffyuv.
От Huffyuv унаследован перевод YUY2 видео в RGB.
Функция перевода YV12 в YUY2 была взята из AviSynth.
Каждый кадр может быть отдельно декодирован, это облегчает поиск, вырезание, объединение.
Преобразования в цветовых пространствах могут привести к частичной потере информации, из-за погрешностей округления. По этой причине существуют цветовые пространства, специально предназначенные для перевода из RGB без потерь, при этом оптимизированные для сжатия подобно YUY2 и YV12. Например, YCoCg[1], реализованное в Dirac.

Анрюха НазаровЗнаток (439) 2 года назад

А как им пользоваться в sony vegas pro 13 ну вшить его туда что бы он появлялся при выборе формата?

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зачем он отдельно установлен — непонятно

Lagarith Lossless Video Codec

Lagarith is a lossless video codec intended for editing and archiving. Lagarith offers better compression than codecs like Huffyuv, Alparysoft, and CorePNG. There are a few lossless codecs that can compress better than Lagarith, such as MSU and FFV1; however Lagarith tends to be faster than these codecs. Lagarith is able to operate in several colorspaces — RGB24, RGB32, RGBA, YUY2, and YV12. For DVD video, the compression is typically only 10-30% better than Huffyuv. However, for high static scenes or highly compressible scenes, Lagarith significantly outperforms Huffyuv. Lagarith is able to outperform Huffyuv due to the fact that it uses a much better compression method. Pixel values are first predicted using median prediction (the same method used when «Predict Median» is selected in Huffyuv). This results in a much more compressible data stream. In Huffyuv, this byte stream would then be compress using Huffman compression. In Lagarith, the byte stream may be subjected to a modified Run Length Encoding if it will result in better compression. The resulting byte stream from that is then compressed using Arithmetic compression, which, unlike Huffman compression, can average fractional bits per symbol. This allows the compressed size to be very close to the entropy of the data, and is why Lagarith can compress simple frames much better than Huffyuv, and avoid expanding high static video. Additionally, Lagarith has support for null frames; if the previous frame is mathematically identical to the current, the current frame is discarded and the decoder will simply use the previous frame again.

This codec was build using the Huffyuv source as a template, and uses some Huffyuv code, most notably the routine to upsample YUY2 video to RGB and to perform pixel prediction on YUY2 video. Other colorspace conversion routines were taken from AviSynth. Lagarith is released under the GPL.

If you find any errors with this codec, please let me know — Sir_Lagsalot at hotmail.com.

Lagarith was last updated on December 8, 2011.

Thanks to AbsoluteDestiny and Zarxrax for helping with testing the codec, Andrew Dunstan for providing optimized colorspace conversion routines for the X64 build, Ben Rudiak-Gould for developing Huffyuv and AviSynth, and to Avery Lee for helping speed up the decoder as well as having developed VirtualDub.

Version 1.3.20 introduced a new option to prevent upsampling when decoding. Checking this option and having the mode set to RGB or RGBA will prevent Lagarith from performing any colorspace conversions when encoding or decoding video.

Lagarith Installer (v1.3.27) An installer for 32 and 64 bit versions of windows (other than Windows 2000, see below). Thanks to Zarxrax for creating and testing the installer script.

Lagarith Codec (v1.3.27) A manual installation version.

Windows 2000 users: the multi-threading changes introduced in 1.3.24 are not supported in Windows 2000. Please use version 1.3.23 instead.

Software » Capture » Lagarith Lossless Video Codec 1.3.27

Lagarith is a lossless video codec. Lagarith offers excellent compression. Lagarith is able to operate in several colorspaces — RGB24, RGB32, RGBA, YUY2, and YV12.

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File size: 433KB
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Lagarith Lossless Video Codec screenshot

Latest version

1.3.27 (December 9, 2011)


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Free software / FOSS (Free download and also Free and Open Source Software)

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Version history / Release notes / Changelog / What’s New

Version 1.3.27 released on 12-08-2011
Fixed a crash that could occur when the source video buffer is not aligned to a multiple of 8 for 32 bit systems. The issue still exists for 64-bit systems, but the fix for them isn’t nearly as easy and it is a very rare issue so I am leaving it alone for now. Thanks to Peter Dimov for reporting this and providing a way to reproduce the issue.
Restored a table entry in the Fibonacci coder I accidently deleted; this would cause video corruption or crashes when playing back high-resolution video.
Fixed some pointers being treated as 32-bit integers when instantiating the codec; this could result in the pointer being trucated and the application crashing on 64 bit systems. Thanks to Stuart MacKinnon for reporting this and tracking down the cause.
Added exception handling in the range decoder; I am still getting a few reports of issues with Adobe products, and this will help me determine if there is still a buffer overrun in certain cases.

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Capture TV/DVD/VCR


Alternative to Lagarith Lossless Video Codec

Alparysoft Lossless Video Codec



MLC lossless codec


MSU Lossless Video Codec



Guides and How to’s

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I am so glad that shehk included this codec in VirtualDub2, as the others I have tried produced video files that could not be read (green screen) in MovieMaker and Freemake Video Converter.

Lagarith is fast, too.

Thanks so much to the author!

Review by clemenzina on Dec 5, 2018 Version: None stated OS: Windows 10 64-bit Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

Other than speed of encoding, are there any VISUAL differences between lossless codecs? Most notably this, huffy and h264 lossless.

Review by mojo on May 28, 2011 Version: 1.3.25 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Thanks to author for updates.

Review by Bonie81 on Feb 16, 2011 Version: 1.3.22 OS: Other Ease of use: 8/10 Functionality: 8/10 Value for money: 8/10 Overall: 8/10

OOPs, tripped on some bugs.
YUY2 encoding of existing 720×480 clips gives green output.
YV12 encoding crashes.
Captures and RGB encoding work fine.

The author is working on the problem.
Version 1.3.12 is working and stable.

Review by grannyGeek on Jun 29, 2007 Version: 1.3.13 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 7/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 9/10

Some nice optimizations since 1.3.9.
I can now use Lagarith to CAPTURE with no frame drop/inserts (3.2 ghz dual processors)

I think Lagarith YUY2 and RGB possibly require dual processors, I got 90-105% cpu usage.
But YV12 used cpu 65-85%, so might be usable for single-core with a fast cpu.

Kudos to the author! Happy to be able to capture YV12 with a reliable codec.

Review by grannyGeek on Jun 25, 2007 Version: 1.3.13 OS: WinXP Ease of use: 10/10 Functionality: 10/10 Value for money: 10/10 Overall: 10/10

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