Driver and Software Downloads
How to uninstall Matrox Graphics drivers in Windows 2000 or Windows XP
- Click on the Start menu
- Click on Settings
- Click on Control Panel
- Double click on «Add/Remove Programs»
- Click on «Matrox Graphics Software» to highlight it.
- Click on the Remove button to remove the driver software.
- You will be prompted to restart you system. Restart.
How to uninstall Matrox Graphics drivers in Windows Vista
- Click on the Start menu
- Click on Control Panel
- Double click on the «Programs and Features» icon
- Click on «Matrox Graphics Software» to highlight it.
- Click on the Uninstall button to remove the driver software.
- You will be prompted to restart you system. Restart.
How to reinstall Matrox Graphics drivers in Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista
- On boot up, Windows will detect the graphics card and prompt you to install a driver. Click «Cancel». It is better to install the drivers using the driver setup.exe file.
- Once Windows has finished loading, go to the directory containing the drivers you want to install.
- Double click on the setup.exe file to launch the Matrox driver installation program.
If you require further assistance, please contact our Technical Support department.
Driver and Software Downloads
How to uninstall Matrox Graphics drivers in Windows 2000 or Windows XP
- Click on the Start menu
- Click on Settings
- Click on Control Panel
- Double click on «Add/Remove Programs»
- Click on «Matrox Graphics Software» to highlight it.
- Click on the Remove button to remove the driver software.
- You will be prompted to restart you system. Restart.
How to uninstall Matrox Graphics drivers in Windows Vista
- Click on the Start menu
- Click on Control Panel
- Double click on the «Programs and Features» icon
- Click on «Matrox Graphics Software» to highlight it.
- Click on the Uninstall button to remove the driver software.
- You will be prompted to restart you system. Restart.
How to reinstall Matrox Graphics drivers in Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista
- On boot up, Windows will detect the graphics card and prompt you to install a driver. Click «Cancel». It is better to install the drivers using the driver setup.exe file.
- Once Windows has finished loading, go to the directory containing the drivers you want to install.
- Double click on the setup.exe file to launch the Matrox driver installation program.
If you require further assistance, please contact our Technical Support department.
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