
Программа tightvnc service что это

TightVNC — бесплатная программа для удаленного доступа

TightVNC – бесплатная программа, предназначенная для удаленного управления компьютером посредством рабочего стола. TightVNC работает по простому протоколу RFB, что определяет ее кроссплатформенность и запуск в любой графической оконной системе. В отличие от других аналогичных программ, данная утилита имеет встроенный модуль оптимизации передачи данных для медленных каналов. Кроме того, программа полностью совместима с другими службами, работающими по протоколу VNC.

TightVNC состоит из двух частей – клиента (Viewer) и сервера. Сервер – позволяет обращаться к локальному рабочему столу и соответственно должен устанавливаться на подключаемом компьютере. Viewer служит для подключения к удаленной машине. По умолчанию предлагается установить одновременно оба модуля.

Еще одной особенностью TightVNC является режим запуска – Service или User Define. В первом случае, приложение будет зарегистрировано как служба, добавлено в автозапуск и останется висеть в трее, ожидая подсоединения клиентов. Как следует из названия, режим User Define – предполагает ручной запуск программы пользователем.

TightVNC Settings

— установка доступа по IP-адресам;
— парольная защита;
— завершение сеанса по неактивности;
— блокировка удаленного ввода данных;
— передача файлов;
— доступ через WEB-интерфейс;
— протоколирование событий.

TightVNC Example

TightVNC идеально подходит для администрирования и оказания помощи удаленным пользователям. Установка и настройка не потребует специальных знаний или усилий у начинающих пользователей, что сэкономит уйму времени у администраторов сети.

TightVNC имеет англоязычный интерфейс, распространяется по лицензии GNU General Public License.

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Introduction to TightVNC

VNC (an abbreviation for Virtual Network Computing) is a great client/server software package allowing remote network access to graphical desktops. With VNC, you can access your machine from everywhere provided that your machine is connected to the Internet. VNC is free (released under the GNU General Public License) and it’s available on most platforms.

Here you can find an enhanced version of VNC , called TightVNC, which includes a lot of new features, improvements, optimizations and bugfixes over the original VNC version, see the list of features below. Note that TightVNC is still free, cross-platform and compatible with the standard VNC. Many users agree that TightVNC is the most advanced free remote desktop package. And it’s being actively developed so you can expect that TightVNC will become even better.

TightVNC can be used to perform remote control and administration tasks in Windows, Unix and mixed network environments. It can be very helpful in distance learning and remote customer support. Finally, you can find a number of additional VNC-compatible utilities and packages that can extend the areas where TightVNC can be helpful.

TightVNC is a project maintained by Constantin Kaplinsky. Many other individuals and companies participate in development, testing and support.

How TightVNC Differs from Other VNC Products?

In short (more information is likely to appear here soon):

  • We are trying to gather all the useful features, while keeping TightVNC free, stable and protocol-compatible with other RFB-compliant VNC software.

Compatibility and Interoperability

TightVNC is fully compatible with the standard RFB protocol used in VNC, so you can use TightVNC viewer with the standard VNC server and vice versa. But note that protocol enhancements implemented in TightVNC will work only if these enhancements are supported on both sides of the connection.

TightVNC Features

  • File transfers in versions for Windows. You can upload files from your local machine to the TightVNC Server, and download files from the server to your computer.
  • Support for video mirror driver (Windows 2000 and above). TightVNC Server can use DFMirage mirror driver to detect screen updates and grab pixel data in a very efficient way, saving processor cycles for other applications.
  • Scaling of the remote desktop (viewer for Windows and Java viewer). You can view the remote desktop in whole on a screen of smaller size, or you can zoom in the picture to see the remote screen in more details.
  • Efficient «Tight» encoding with optional JPEG compression. New Tight encoding is optimized for slow and medium-speed connections and thus generates much less traffic as compared to traditional VNC encodings. Unlike other encodings, Tight encoding is configurable via compression levels and JPEG image quality setting.
  • Enhanced Web browser access. TightVNC includes a greatly improved Java viewer with full support for Tight encoding, 24-bit color mode, and more. The Java viewer applet can be accessed via built-in HTTP server like in the standard VNC.
  • Support for two passwords, full-control and read-only. The server allows or disallows remote keyboard and mouse events depending on which password was used for authentication.
  • Automatic SSH tunneling on Unix. The Unix version of TightVNC Viewer can tunnel connections via SSH automatically using local SSH/OpenSSH client installation.
  • And more. TightVNC includes a number of other improvements, performance optimizations and bugfixes, see change logs for more information.

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TightVNC Software

TightVNC is a free and Open Source remote desktop software that lets you access and control a computer over the network. With its intuitive interface, you can interact with the remote screen as if you were sitting in front of it. You can open files, launch applications, and perform other actions on the remote desktop almost as if you were physically there.

Get It Now!

  • Get your free copy of TightVNC!
  • Get Remote Ripple, our modern VNC client for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android (now free as well).

More Software by TightVNC Authors

  • MightyViewer, a VNC Monitoring Tool for Windows – try it for free, no registration needed.
  • Unidostup – self-hosted remote desktop solution for businesses, works through firewalls and routers.

Software and SDKs for Commercial Developers

  • Try .NET Viewer SDK – integrate TightVNC Viewer in your .NET software!
  • Source Code and SDKs – TightVNC server and viewer components for various systems and platforms.

Selected News

May 5, 2023 – MightyViewer for Windows 1.4.4 Released

We are proud to announce the release of MightyViewer for Windows version 1.4.4. This latest version introduces a wide range of user interface improvements and new features that bring the product to a new level of usability.

May 4, 2023 – TightVNC for Windows 2.8.81 Released

GlavSoft has released TightVNC version 2.8.81 for Windows. This release repairs file transfers in RDP sessions, and changes the protocol extension for enabling multi-monitor handling. This will allow the upcoming versions of MightyViewer and Remote Ripple show individual monitors when connected to remote desktops with multiple monitors attached.

Read the full announcement for more details.

Dec 23, 2022 – Remote Ripple Goes Free to Use

We have a Christmas and New Year present for all fans of TightVNC technology: our modern remote desktop viewer, Remote Ripple, becomes free to use on all supported platforms: Windows, Mac, iPhone & iPad, Android. Commercial use is free as well.

Read more about our plans on Remote Ripple, TightVNC and our new products – take a look at our post in the GlavSoft company blog.

Mar 15, 2022 – Remote Core SDK (.NET Viewer) v2022.1.1: Supporting .NET 5.0 and 6.0

Now, in the SDK, .NET 5.0 and .NET 6.0 are supported for the Core component, WPF and WinForms. Also, we’ve added the WPF FileTransferControl to easily implement file transfer functionality in a WPF application, and made a few breaking changes in WPF RemoteDesktopControl and Core extensions.

Request a trial version and see licensing options on the Remote Core SDK new website.

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